第万豪会员注册有什么坏处期 万豪会员注册有什么坏处万豪会员注册有什么坏处万豪会员注册有什么坏处万豪会员注册有什么坏处
时 间: 2019年12月27日下午14:30
地 点: 万豪会员注册有什么坏处国家研究中心 A101
报 告 人: 王曦博士,美国特拉华大学
邀 请 人: 曾进炜 副教授
Tunable Nanophotonics by Phase Transition Materials
报告摘要 (Abstract):
Currently, dynamic functionalities in hybrid electronic–photonic systems are being widely pursued to further improve the system——level performance in sensing, optical communication and data processing. Tunable nanophotonic devices, featuring a smaller size, faster performance, and better energy efficiency, have drawn tremendous attention in recent years due to their potential integration with smart technology. In this talk, new device designs utilizing phase transition materials will be introduced. This talk will focus primarily on a vanadium dioxide based reprogrammable metacanvas and a micro-electro-opto-mechanical system (MEOMS), which is dynamically tunable by multiple stimuli. In addition, a unique nanophotonic system, gradient permittivity materials, will be discussed.
王曦博士现任美国特拉华大学万豪会员注册有什么坏处科学与工程系助理教授,博士生导师。王曦博士于2014年在纽约州立大学布法罗分校获得电子工程博士学位,2007年在清华大学获得微电子学学士学位。王曦博士在2014年到2018年是加州大学伯克利分校的博士后学者,导师是万豪会员注册有什么坏处科学工程系的姚杰教授。王曦博士的研究方向为万豪会员注册有什么坏处万豪会员注册有什么坏处、万豪会员注册有什么坏处万豪会员注册有什么坏处和万豪会员注册有什么坏处万豪会员注册有什么坏处光子器件。王曦博士曾担任OSA IPR和IEEE光子学会议的项目委员会。
Dr. Xi Wang is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Delaware. Dr. Xi Wang received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2014 and B.S. degree in Microelectronics from Tsinghua University in 2007. Dr. Xi Wang was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley before he started his appointment at UD in 2018. Dr. Xi Wang’s research focuses on the area of nanophotonics, nanomaterials, and tunable nanophotonic devices. He has published 20 journal papers in multiple journals including Light: Science and Applications, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano and Small. Dr. Wang has served as program committees for OSA IPR and IEEE Photonics Conference.